Monday, April 20, 2009

Back Ground

As a young child I witnessed my dad verbally abuse my mom for a very long time. My dad will insult my mom and humiliate her as much as he could. It really hurt to see my mom suffer and cry on a daily basis but what hurt the most was being unable to do anything to help her. Fear towards my dad prevented me from saying anything to him or doing anything to make him stop. I always hoped that at some point he would get tired of his actions and stop, but as the years went by things just got worst. It started off with verbal abuse but then those words turn to physical assaults. He never hit her in the face but he did push her and grasped her with force. He never hit me but to me it was a lot more painful to see my mom suffer. I would much have rather taken the beating my self. Finally one day, my dad decided to leave the house and asked for a divorce. As a young child I didnt understand why my dad would not come back home. I was happy about the fact though because my mom was no longer suffering. It had been a long time since I had seen my mom smiling. My dad was no longer home but we finally lived a peaceful life. It took a long time for me to be able to talk or even seen my dad but I eventually did. It was hard and awkward at first. That was probably one of the hardest steps I had to take in my life but I can honestly say I felt good about that step. Now, many years later, I have a great relationship with both of my parents. I doubt that that would be the case if my parents had not divorced and stoped all the violence.

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